The Red Ribbon Project was created by the New York-based Visual AIDS Artists Caucus in 1991.:
Remain anonymous as individuals and to credit the Visual AIDS Artists Caucus as a whole in the creation of the Red Ribbon Project, and not to list any individual as the “creator” of the Red Ribbon Project;
Keep the image copyright free, so that no individual or organization would profit from the use of the red ribbon;
The Red Ribbon should be used as a consciousness raising symbol, not as a commercial or trademark tool.
The artists who formed the Visual AIDS Artists Caucus wished to create a visual symbol to demonstrate compassion for people living with AIDS and their caregivers. Inspired by the yellow ribbons honoring American soldiers serving in the Gulf war, the color red was chosen for its, "connection to blood and the idea of passion -- not only anger, but love, like a valentine." First worn publicly[citation needed]by Jeremy Irons at the 1991 Tony Awards, the ribbon soon became renowned as an international symbol of AIDS awareness, becoming a politically correct fashion accessory on the lapels of celebrities. The Red Ribbon continues to be a powerful force in the fight to increase public awareness of HIV/AIDS and in the lobbying efforts to increase funding for AIDS services and research.
The red ribbon to raise AIDS awareness is a powerful symbol used the world over to show solidarity with victims of AIDS. Its instantly recognizable and has become closely associated with the disease. Posters that promote world AIDS day such as the one above often take the ribbon symbol and use it as part of the design; trading in on the reputation of the ribbon. It is a hard choice wether to utilise this symbol in the vaccination campaign, as it is normally used to show solidarity with people already suffering with the disease, while a vaccination only prevents AIDS, it doesnt cure it.